avebury megalithic complex. henge and stones circles. profane domestic activity made sacred.

avebury megalithic complex. henge and stones circle. dated to around 2500bce however recent investigations suggest a much earlier origins for this massive complex in the monumental elaboration of an early neolithic domestic timber house memorialised first by a square stone setting 30m across then set within the southern circle. the architectural elaboration of settlement activity into a highly ritualised monumental complex is what makes this discovery ground breaking. profane activity made sacred. #neolithic #memory #monumental #prehistory #prehistoric #megalithic #domesticarchitecture #profane #sacred montagecity.com

avebury megalithic complex. henge and stones circles. dated to around 2500 bce, however recent investigations suggest a much earlier origins for this massive complex in the monumental elaboration of an early neolithic domestic timber house memorialised first by a square stone setting 30m across then set within the southern circle. the architectural elaboration of settlement activity into a highly ritualised monumental complex is what makes this discovery ground breaking. profane domestic activity made sacred.

the early neolithic house structure in the centre of the southern inner circle and comparators

origins of avebury antiquity, Volume 93Issue 368 https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/antiquity/article/origins-of-avebury/DB43C9DCF03F2F2B75E487DE0D312B75/core-reader