belstone chair? i think this the tor outcrop so called. it’s probably associated with the village of belstone further north nr oakhampton, although this doesn’t explain why. i wonder weather it’s not a reference to the adjacent bel tor in some way. the inset is the chair and is similar in form to the large stone that is at the entrance to the avebury circle and henge known as the devils chair. this is of course is a free standing sarson stone brought to the circle and what we see here is a tor stack, however the similarities are striking and the inhabitants of the time would not make such distinctions. ..#neolithic, #bronzeage, #prehistory, #megalithiths, #tors, #torstacks. #graniteoutrops ,#sarsen, #prehistory sarsenstones, #stonechairs, #ancientwisdom, #naturalstonefeatures, #natural, #super-natural. #naming, #placenames. #corndontor #beltor #dartmoor.

belstone chair? i think this the tor outcrop so called. it’s probably associated with the village of belstone further north nr oakhampton, although this doesn’t explain why. i wonder weather it’s not a reference to the adjacent bel tor in some way. the inset is the chair and is similar in form to the large stone that is at the entrance to the avebury circle and henge known as the devils chair. this is of course is a free standing sarson stone brought to the circle and what we see here is a tor stack, however the similarities are striking and the inhabitants of the time would not make such distinctions. ..#neolithic, #bronzeage, #prehistory, #megalithiths, #tors, #torstacks. #graniteoutrops ,#sarsen, #prehistory sarsenstones, #stonechairs, #ancientwisdom, #naturalstonefeatures, #natural, #super-natural. #naming, #placenames. #corndontor #beltor #dartmoor.