the ordinary and extra-ordinary. columbia road lock-up rosewall hill granite tor.

on a hill across the valley from here -on trink there’s a large tor known locally as the grandmother’s stone.

is this extra-ordinary configuration here its counterpart? – the grandfather’s stone? these stones i’m sure entered the world of our ancestors in a similar way – by naming it it enters the imagination and the story begins.
the ordinary also needs a name if it is to be recovered and reclaimed. a bolted door; little used;? locking down a hidden world. shut tight; lock-up; keep out; lockdown; sealed up; sealed tight – this door also becomes an opening onto the imaginary.

grandfathers tor. north of rosewall hill west -open access. national trust / columbia road lock up – closed. no entry. weekend working only. market trader.

the grandmothers stone trink hill