

ANTE-CHAMBER: 187 OBJECTS/ concrete and plaster / 150x275x250mm /15mx5mx250mm/ individual sculptures have been cast from edited fragments of found packaging, originally containing serially produced objects. these sections of packaging function as waste moulds for plaster and concrete sculptures/ a consumer driven capitalist society has an unquenchable appetite for new technology, new objects, and new products/ these abstracted sculptural pieces act as an archive/ as containers for the edited fragments that record the trace elements of a society of mass consumption/  in this sense, they contain the archaeological evidence of a global consumerist culture, frozen in a series of modern anthropological artefacts. they are the critical ante-chambers containing material that appears both ancient and modern. placed in the context of the garth at gloucester cathedral gives these meanings a further resonance. it takes the shape of a criciform with its northern ‘transept’ truncated and set againt the ‘monks lavatory’ in the north walk cloisters. this emulates the layout of the cathedral proper with its unequal transepts, but with the direction of the ‘nave’ reflected east to west. the death of objects suggested in the construction of the work, their strange resemblance to sarcophagus makes their siting within the common ground of the cathedral and close to its once daily bodily functions emphasises the juxtapostion between the sacred and profane contained within the work.