ROSEWALL HILL ‘HOLED’ BALANCED STONE sunrise solstice.water and rock, sea and soil, bone and ash, sun and moon. all have a place in the mesolithic cosmos and the neolithic which followed knew the importance their ancestors placed upon them. in actively manipulating . this material, bringing them into close relationship, one to another, their signifcance was at first revealed, then through repetative practice enhanced, re-inforced, with the result re-formed and the context transferred. whether in-situ (natural) or sited (super-natural) these material sources and their contexts, and the way they are assembled together, give them their special meaning and this understanding is transferred generation to generation. by this means, it becomes a way that re-inforces the past in the present, and their meaning is, further imbedded.the early antiquarian, w borlase, when he encountered these strange balancing stones and their ability to move with the wind, did not seperate them from the stone circles, quoits and burial mounds that surrounded them. they were, for him the result of some lost ritual practices that he could still see in their aboriginal form in contemporary societies. since, we have come to understand the natural process by which these stones appear in the landscape but what still remains is their symbolic presence and potential. this is as true today as it must have been when the mesolithic hunter-fisher-gatherers congregated at these higher places for the summer. after moving up to follow their game or herd. these special stones would have held the memory of previous endevours, of people past, of feasting and dancing, of the sun, stars and the moon, of life and of life passing. they have the ability of recall – of group remembrance – they are the extant material that is there to be read as we might today read a silicon chip…#neolithic, #prehistory, #mesolithic, #solstice #summersolstice, #remembering, #remembrance, #memory, #sunstone, #ancientlandscape, #ancientknowledge, #sunandmoon, #megaliths, #naturalstonefeatures. #ancientstones, #cornwall, #westpenwith,

ROSEWALL HILL ‘HOLED’ BALANCED STONE sunrise solstice.water and rock, sea and soil, bone and ash, sun and moon. all have a place in the mesolithic cosmos and the neolithic which followed knew the importance their ancestors placed upon them. in actively manipulating . this material, bringing them into close relationship, one to another, their signifcance was at first revealed, then through repetative practice enhanced, re-inforced, with the result re-formed and the context transferred. whether in-situ (natural) or sited (super-natural) these material sources and their contexts, and the way they are assembled together, give them their special meaning and this understanding is transferred generation to generation. by this means, it becomes a way that re-inforces the past in the present, and their meaning is, further imbedded.the early antiquarian, w borlase, when he encountered these strange balancing stones and their ability to move with the wind, did not seperate them from the stone circles, quoits and burial mounds that surrounded them. they were, for him the result of some lost ritual practices that he could still see in their aboriginal form in contemporary societies. since, we have come to understand the natural process by which these stones appear in the landscape but what still remains is their symbolic presence and potential. this is as true today as it must have been when the mesolithic hunter-fisher-gatherers congregated at these higher places for the summer. after moving up to follow their game or herd. these special stones would have held the memory of previous endevours, of people past, of feasting and dancing, of the sun, stars and the moon, of life and of life passing. they have the ability of recall - of group remembrance - they are the extant material that is there to be read as we might today read a silicon chip...#neolithic, #prehistory, #mesolithic, #solstice #summersolstice, #remembering, #remembrance, #memory, #sunstone, #ancientlandscape, #ancientknowledge, #sunandmoon, #megaliths, #naturalstonefeatures. #ancientstones, #cornwall, #westpenwith,