Posts Tagged 'house'

[house] chambers- passages ground- sky sacred- profane

[house] chambers/ passages/ ground/ sky/ sacred/ profane west place house could be interpreted as an echo of the entrance carns to be found on the western perimeter of penwith with its subterranean passage and chambers, earth covered rooms and courts. the route through the house from

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[house] chambers- passages ground- sky sacred- profane

[house] chambers/ passages/ ground/ sky/ sacred/ profane west place house could be interpreted as an echo of the entrance carns to be found on the western perimeter of penwith with its subterranean passage and chambers, earth covered rooms and courts. the route through the house from

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house burning

ritual focuses attention by framing; it enlivens the memory and links the present with the relevant past. in all this it aids perception. (douglas 1966: 65) timber constructions in scotland including cursus monuments, mortuary enclosures, timber halls, cremation pyres and other forms

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house burning

ritual focuses attention by framing; it enlivens the memory and links the present with the relevant past. in all this it aids perception. (douglas 1966: 65) timber constructions in scotland including cursus monuments, mortuary enclosures, timber halls, cremation pyres and other forms

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