
holed stone. truthwall common. tregaseal stone row.
i’m much taken with the suggestion made by @carolynkennett on a recent walk she hosted that these holed stones were a sort of calendrical signpost, with each one progressively announcing the oncoming of winter. they act as sun shadow projectors

holed stone. truthwall common. tregaseal stone row.
i’m much taken with the suggestion made by @carolynkennett on a recent walk she hosted that these holed stones were a sort of calendrical signpost, with each one progressively announcing the oncoming of winter. they act as sun shadow projectors

early jackson pollock? transparency, simultaneity. abstraction.
early jackson pollack? transparency and simultaneity. abstraction . a mindful reality. stimulated by the visual world but not bounded by it. not simple representation but artful abstracting. jackson pollack ? could be a disciption of his ‘modernist’ proseedure . no. a drawing, an over drawing an over and over drawing on a ceiling in a cave shelter in the dordogne valley 17-12000 year BP. a careful examination will reveal many outlines of animals overdrawn many times perhaps from the desire to make them move…

early jackson pollock? transparency, simultaneity. abstraction.
early jackson pollack? transparency and simultaneity. abstraction . a mindful reality. stimulated by the visual world but not bounded by it. not simple representation but artful abstracting. jackson pollack ? could be a disciption of his ‘modernist’ proseedure . no. a drawing, an over drawing an over and over drawing on a ceiling in a cave shelter in the dordogne valley 17-12000 year BP. a careful examination will reveal many outlines of animals overdrawn many times perhaps from the desire to make them move…

possible stone row. gloucester cathedral .
possible stone row. gloucester cathedral . rethinking our (henry|seaton) installation in the garth of gloucester cathedral in the light of recent work. these cast concrete pieces were seen as ‘the critical ante-chambers containing material that appears both ancient and modern… it takes the shape of a criciform with its northern ‘transept’ truncated and set againt the ‘monks lavatory’ in the north walk cloisters. this emulates the layout of the cathedral proper with its unequal transepts, but with the direction of the ‘nave’ reflected from east to west. the death of objects suggested in the construction of the work, their strange resemblance to sarcophagus makes their siting within the common ground of the cathedral and close to its once daily bodily functions emphasises the juxtapostion between the sacred and profane contained within the work-in-progress-chamber

possible stone row. gloucester cathedral .
possible stone row. gloucester cathedral . rethinking our (henry|seaton) installation in the garth of gloucester cathedral in the light of recent work. these cast concrete pieces were seen as ‘the critical ante-chambers containing material that appears both ancient and modern… it takes the shape of a criciform with its northern ‘transept’ truncated and set againt the ‘monks lavatory’ in the north walk cloisters. this emulates the layout of the cathedral proper with its unequal transepts, but with the direction of the ‘nave’ reflected from east to west. the death of objects suggested in the construction of the work, their strange resemblance to sarcophagus makes their siting within the common ground of the cathedral and close to its once daily bodily functions emphasises the juxtapostion between the sacred and profane contained within the work-in-progress-chamber

tabletop dolmen. from beach stones.
tabletop dolmen. from beach stones.
many of the quoits in west cornwall have their capstones supported by four main stones making up the opposing sides with a blocking and back stone completing the enclosure. some now have stones fallen or removed and some have been rebuilt in relatively recent times. the earliest megaliths in cornwall announcing the transition to farming or the hearding of cattle and the onset of neolithic practices. the capstones are seemingly carefully chosen to resemble the tors that surround and are intervisible with them. interestingly many have had beach pepples found within or near them
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tabletop dolmen. from beach stones.
tabletop dolmen. from beach stones.
many of the quoits in west cornwall have their capstones supported by four main stones making up the opposing sides with a blocking and back stone completing the enclosure. some now have stones fallen or removed and some have been rebuilt in relatively recent times. the earliest megaliths in cornwall announcing the transition to farming or the hearding of cattle and the onset of neolithic practices. the capstones are seemingly carefully chosen to resemble the tors that surround and are intervisible with them. interestingly many have had beach pepples found within or near them
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tabletop quoit. dolmen. cromlech.
tabletop quoit. dolmen. cromlech. amongst the earliest megalithic monuments to appear in britain, dolmen or cromlech become part of prehistoric landscape. possible dates are between 5800-6300BP. portable versions available from pebble beaches near you

tabletop quoit. dolmen. cromlech.
tabletop quoit. dolmen. cromlech. amongst the earliest megalithic monuments to appear in britain, dolmen or cromlech become part of prehistoric landscape. possible dates are between 5800-6300BP. portable versions available from pebble beaches near you

stripple stones circle henge. bodmin.
stripple stones circle henge. bodmin. the full story of its restoration can be found here:

stripple stones circle henge. bodmin.
stripple stones circle henge. bodmin. the full story of its restoration can be found here:

stripple stones circle henge. bodmin moor.
stripple stones circle henge. bodmin moor. this monument has been described as the only circle-henge in south-west england that has many of unique features. the circle was originally ovoid in plan and measured 46.3m by 43.3m. until recently It consisted of only four upright stones and the remains of nine others, most of which have now been re-erected. their height varies from 1.0m to 2.74m unusually tall for stone circles in other parts of cornwall. there is a large centre stone, now recumbent which would have stood about 2.9m high. the stone circle is surrounded by a low fragmentary bank with an internal ditch, the bank 3.0m to 4.5m wide and up to 0.5m high and with an outer diameter probably in the region of 73m by 70m. it also had with a causewayed entrance, 2.7m wide, on the WSW side leading up to two remarkable shaped stones seen in this shot. like most of the circles on bodmin it most likely relates to nearby sacred hills here to hawks tor. also rough tor can be clearly viewed in the near distance-henge
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stripple stones circle henge. bodmin moor.
stripple stones circle henge. bodmin moor. this monument has been described as the only circle-henge in south-west england that has many of unique features. the circle was originally ovoid in plan and measured 46.3m by 43.3m. until recently It consisted of only four upright stones and the remains of nine others, most of which have now been re-erected. their height varies from 1.0m to 2.74m unusually tall for stone circles in other parts of cornwall. there is a large centre stone, now recumbent which would have stood about 2.9m high. the stone circle is surrounded by a low fragmentary bank with an internal ditch, the bank 3.0m to 4.5m wide and up to 0.5m high and with an outer diameter probably in the region of 73m by 70m. it also had with a causewayed entrance, 2.7m wide, on the WSW side leading up to two remarkable shaped stones seen in this shot. like most of the circles on bodmin it most likely relates to nearby sacred hills here to hawks tor. also rough tor can be clearly viewed in the near distance-henge
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stripple stones circle and henge. bodmin moor.
stripple stones circle and henge. bodmin moor. this unusual monument recently underwent something of a revamp. some of it’s possible thirty plus stones have been unearthed and re-erected in their original positions. until then only four of its stone remained upright. the most interesting are what appear to be it’s entrance stones – two large stones carefully shaped as if to offer a window into the henge-circle. the right hand one is shown here-circle
more to follow. see

stripple stones circle and henge. bodmin moor.
stripple stones circle and henge. bodmin moor. this unusual monument recently underwent something of a revamp. some of it’s possible thirty plus stones have been unearthed and re-erected in their original positions. until then only four of its stone remained upright. the most interesting are what appear to be it’s entrance stones – two large stones carefully shaped as if to offer a window into the henge-circle. the right hand one is shown here-circle
more to follow. see

BOXjoint jig. MNC.
BOXjoint jig. MNC. it’s our version of the BOXjoint mechanism. it’s notCNC but a mechanical numerical control of manual numerical control MNC. plans available. dfxfiles
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BOXjoint jig. MNC.
BOXjoint jig. MNC. it’s our version of the BOXjoint mechanism. it’s notCNC but a mechanical numerical control of manual numerical control MNC. plans available. dfxfiles
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two of the ‘three iron structures, iru burni eduardo chillida.
View on Instagram iru burni eduardo chillida. #metalworks #eduardochillida #myfavoritething #ironsculpture #standingmonument #monumental #monuments Iru Burni, 1986 Three Irons, 1986 Sculpture, 117 x 57 x 33 cm eduardo chillida’s first works revealed an interest in the material that would grow

two of the ‘three iron structures, iru burni eduardo chillida.
View on Instagram iru burni eduardo chillida. #metalworks #eduardochillida #myfavoritething #ironsculpture #standingmonument #monumental #monuments Iru Burni, 1986 Three Irons, 1986 Sculpture, 117 x 57 x 33 cm eduardo chillida’s first works revealed an interest in the material that would grow

recent discoveries at bryn celli ddu.
recent discoveries at bryn celli ddu.
a geophysical survey was conducted, recently, around the bryn celli ddu chambered tomb exposing evidence of a cairn cemetery. the 5,000-year-old tomb, a complex dating from the neolithic through to early bronze age, was also found to include the at least four burial cairns and a cluster of prehistoric pits with pottery deposits, worked flint, and tools. its relationship to the summer equinox was tested confirming that the main passage focuses the light along its length and illuminating the entire polygonal stone chamber.
in addition 8 new cupmarked rock art on associated outcrops have been identified, using 3d scanning techniques. a dumbbell motif surrounded by singular cup-marks, cup-marks in close formation, possibly in the form of a rosette and one with a large cup-mark

recent discoveries at bryn celli ddu.
recent discoveries at bryn celli ddu.
a geophysical survey was conducted, recently, around the bryn celli ddu chambered tomb exposing evidence of a cairn cemetery. the 5,000-year-old tomb, a complex dating from the neolithic through to early bronze age, was also found to include the at least four burial cairns and a cluster of prehistoric pits with pottery deposits, worked flint, and tools. its relationship to the summer equinox was tested confirming that the main passage focuses the light along its length and illuminating the entire polygonal stone chamber.
in addition 8 new cupmarked rock art on associated outcrops have been identified, using 3d scanning techniques. a dumbbell motif surrounded by singular cup-marks, cup-marks in close formation, possibly in the form of a rosette and one with a large cup-mark

prehistoric paint job. painted stone wall at the ness of brodgar.
prehistoric paint job. painted stone wall at the ness of brodgar. evidence now exists of the walls within this ceremonial site were painted in a red ochre and opens up the possibility of other monument having been treated in the same way. most monuments have been exposed to the elements and removed this evidence

prehistoric paint job. painted stone wall at the ness of brodgar.
prehistoric paint job. painted stone wall at the ness of brodgar. evidence now exists of the walls within this ceremonial site were painted in a red ochre and opens up the possibility of other monument having been treated in the same way. most monuments have been exposed to the elements and removed this evidence

bryn celli ddu
bryn celli ddu is a late neolithic passage grave in the european atlantic tradition, excavated and partly restored in 1920s (hemp 1930). it comprises an outer circular stone kerb c. 26m diameter, with an inner stone arc, both of which

bryn celli ddu
bryn celli ddu is a late neolithic passage grave in the european atlantic tradition, excavated and partly restored in 1920s (hemp 1930). it comprises an outer circular stone kerb c. 26m diameter, with an inner stone arc, both of which

carn#5.1 project for a small monument
carn#5.1 project for a small monument #small monument #metalworks #sculpture #neolithic #lithics #bronzeage #artefact #remembering #timetravel #pastpresent #urhistory #dialecticalimage View on Instagram

carn#5.1 project for a small monument
carn#5.1 project for a small monument #small monument #metalworks #sculpture #neolithic #lithics #bronzeage #artefact #remembering #timetravel #pastpresent #urhistory #dialecticalimage View on Instagram

carn#5 project for a small monument
carn#5, a project for a small monument. constructed digitally in vectorworks. to be constructed in brass and aluminium. the suns shadows would be very important to its visual understanding. #smallmonument #monument #sculpture View on Instagram

carn#5 project for a small monument
carn#5, a project for a small monument. constructed digitally in vectorworks. to be constructed in brass and aluminium. the suns shadows would be very important to its visual understanding. #smallmonument #monument #sculpture View on Instagram

tregaseal stone circle
tregaseal stone circle complex the stone circle at tregeseal now stands alone on the gentle slopes of truthwall common to the south of the rocky outcrop carn kenidjack but originally it was part of a ritual complex comprising two and

tregaseal stone circle
tregaseal stone circle complex the stone circle at tregeseal now stands alone on the gentle slopes of truthwall common to the south of the rocky outcrop carn kenidjack but originally it was part of a ritual complex comprising two and

chun quoit / 22 wheler street
chun quoit. erected in the neolithic period (3500-2500bc), this portal dolmen still retains some evidence of the mound which once surrounded it. the antiquarian borlase wrote of tall kerb stones which would have enclosed the cairn measuring some thirty odd feet

chun quoit / 22 wheler street
chun quoit. erected in the neolithic period (3500-2500bc), this portal dolmen still retains some evidence of the mound which once surrounded it. the antiquarian borlase wrote of tall kerb stones which would have enclosed the cairn measuring some thirty odd feet

chûn quoit
chûn quoit is one of a small group of similar monuments kept largely to penwith, though there are two or three further east in cornwall. also found in wales, ireland and brittany. such sites are discoed as chambered tombs or portal dolmens,

chûn quoit
chûn quoit is one of a small group of similar monuments kept largely to penwith, though there are two or three further east in cornwall. also found in wales, ireland and brittany. such sites are discoed as chambered tombs or portal dolmens,

carn#7 project for small monument
#smallmonument #brass #pedestal #metalworks #construction View on Instagram

carn#7 project for small monument
#smallmonument #brass #pedestal #metalworks #construction View on Instagram

musei wormiani historia
the cabinet of curiosities emerged in the sixteenth century, although more rudimentary collections had existed earlier. the best documented cabinets were of rulers and aristocrats, of the merchant class and early practitioners of science in europe -these were the precursors to the modern museum

musei wormiani historia
the cabinet of curiosities emerged in the sixteenth century, although more rudimentary collections had existed earlier. the best documented cabinets were of rulers and aristocrats, of the merchant class and early practitioners of science in europe -these were the precursors to the modern museum

lanyon quoit/waterson street
lanyon quoit. lies at the north end of along barrow 26 metres long and 12 metres wide. the barrow, which is covered by grass and bracken, is damaged and its outline is difficult to see. at the south end of the barrow

lanyon quoit/waterson street
lanyon quoit. lies at the north end of along barrow 26 metres long and 12 metres wide. the barrow, which is covered by grass and bracken, is damaged and its outline is difficult to see. at the south end of the barrow

carn#6.2 proposal for a small monument
carn#6.2 proposal for a small monument #small monument #sculpture #monument #insert #construction from instagram:

carn#6.2 proposal for a small monument
carn#6.2 proposal for a small monument #small monument #sculpture #monument #insert #construction from instagram:

carn#2. proposal for a small monument.
carn#2. proposal for a small monument.

carn#2. proposal for a small monument.
carn#2. proposal for a small monument.

carn#1 proposal for a small monument
carn#1 proposal for a small monument #carnholy #metalworks #construction #sculpture #monument #proppedstone

carn#1 proposal for a small monument
carn#1 proposal for a small monument #carnholy #metalworks #construction #sculpture #monument #proppedstone

wood_work. use_less
wood_work. use_less. #sculpture #wood_work #construction #assemblage #use_less from instagram:–HzDGHyTt/

wood_work. use_less
wood_work. use_less. #sculpture #wood_work #construction #assemblage #use_less from instagram:–HzDGHyTt/

the mên-an-tol
the men-an-tol monument consists of four stones: one fallen, two uprights, and between these a circular one, 1.3m in diameter, pierced by a hole about half its size in diameter. an old plan of men-an-tol (the stone of the hole)

the mên-an-tol
the men-an-tol monument consists of four stones: one fallen, two uprights, and between these a circular one, 1.3m in diameter, pierced by a hole about half its size in diameter. an old plan of men-an-tol (the stone of the hole)

boscawen-un stone circle
boscawen-un This stone circle is actually an ellipse (24.9 x 21.9m) with the longer axis orientated NW – SE. The stones are graded in height towards the west. thom classified this ring as a type b flattened circle, suggesting it

boscawen-un stone circle
boscawen-un This stone circle is actually an ellipse (24.9 x 21.9m) with the longer axis orientated NW – SE. The stones are graded in height towards the west. thom classified this ring as a type b flattened circle, suggesting it

cumbrian cup-marked panels
a new group of cup-marked (cupules) panels have came to light recently (2015) that lie within a region defined as the cumbria high fells (natural england, 2010). kate e. sharpe of the department of archaeology, durham university, outlines here the

cumbrian cup-marked panels
a new group of cup-marked (cupules) panels have came to light recently (2015) that lie within a region defined as the cumbria high fells (natural england, 2010). kate e. sharpe of the department of archaeology, durham university, outlines here the

cupules — the oldest surviving rock art
cupules are the earliest surviving rock art we know about in the world, but this does not necessarily make them the first rock art produced.the oldest rock art we know about in every continent are linear grooves and cupules, especially

cupules — the oldest surviving rock art
cupules are the earliest surviving rock art we know about in the world, but this does not necessarily make them the first rock art produced.the oldest rock art we know about in every continent are linear grooves and cupules, especially

merry maidens stone circle(s)
merry maidens stone circle(s) the merry maidens (sw 4327 2450) is one of the few ‘true’ stone circles in cornwall, being based on a perfect circle; it comprises nineteen stones today but is thought to originally have consisted of just

merry maidens stone circle(s)
merry maidens stone circle(s) the merry maidens (sw 4327 2450) is one of the few ‘true’ stone circles in cornwall, being based on a perfect circle; it comprises nineteen stones today but is thought to originally have consisted of just